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Does art Relieve stress?

Self-directed art can lead you to express your creative side, reduce stress, and rediscover your feelings. In fact, art is a great stress relief tool, even for those who don't consider themselves artists in any way.

Art Therapy Helps

Journal of the American Art Therapy Association found that just 45 minutes of creative activity can reduce your stress, regardless of how much artistic experience or talent you have.Some ways when creating art can help your stress go down:

  • Art is a form of self-care:a hobby can give you more self-care than you could possibly imagine. Art leaves you with something beautiful, and who knows what it can lead you to.
  • Art is meditation: Some psychologists describe art as a process of being deeply engrossed in an activity. Just like meditation, it can improve your performance and lower your stress levels.
  • Helps your mind get off things: If your problems keep chasing you, you can incorporate them into your creations. A clearer head with which to tackle your problems again is what art can possibly lead you to.

Sketchbooks to Relieve Stress

One of the easiest ways to relieve stress is to keep a sketchbook. You can use a journal in the following ways:

  • Begin a journal of future dreams. Try keeping a notebook close at hand. Any time you have an idea of what you would want to do in the future, write it down or draw it.
  • Draw how you feel. Psychologists always suggest you draw how you feel. Not everything can be put down in words, but drawing can help. Try, and you won’t be able to say it didn’t work.
  • Keep a “thank you” journal.Many people try this method of relieving stress: they draw what they are grateful for. This is yet another reminder of how lucky we are for where we are, what we have, and who we are around.

Coloring can sync with your thoughts, and who knows what else can come out of this meditation process. So many resources are available for coloring as stress relief. It may blow your mind! Try it even though you may be skeptical.